Boris I. Podlovchenko
Selected papers
Reviews, chapters in books
- Топливные элементы / Под ред. Багоцкого В.С.,Васильева Ю.Б. М.: Наука, 1968. 197 с.
- Проблемы электрокатализа/ Под ред.Багоцкого В.С. М.: Наука, 1980.272 с.
- Elektrodnye protsessy v rastvorakh organicheskikh soedinenii (The Electrode Processes in Solutions of Organic Compounds), Damaskin, B.B., Ed., Moscow: Mosk. Gos. Univ., 1985.
- Practical works in electrochemistry. Moscow. Vysshaya Shkola, 1991.
Selected original papers
- A.N. Frumkin, B.I. Podlovchenko. Nature of platimun electrode potentials arising in ethanol solutions.Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR.1963.V.150.P. 349.
- B.I. Podlovchenko, E.P. Gorgonova. Composition of products chemisorbed on surface of platinized platinum in methanol solutions as determined by method of charging curves. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR.1964. V. 156. P.673.
- O.A.Petry, A.N.Frumkin, Hira Lal, B.I.Podlovchenko. The behaviour of a platinized platinum and platinum-ruthenium electrodes in methanol solution. J.Electroanal.Chem. 1965. V.10. P.253.
- Б.И.Подловченко, А.Н.Фрумкин, В.Ф.Стенин. Исследование адсорбции и электроокисления метанола на платинированной платине с использованием аналитических методов. Электрохимия. 1968. Т.4. С.339.
- Б.И.Подловченко, В.Ф.Стенин, Г.Я.Тысячная, В.Е.Казаринов. Влияние адсорбированного метанола на адсорбцию брома и катионов натрия на платинированном платиновом электроде. Электрохимия. 1971. Т.7. С.1384.
- Б.И.Подловченко, Ю.Д.Гамбург, Р.П.Петухова, А.Д.Лившиц, Ю.М.Полукаров. Исследование структуры электролитических осадков палладия. Электрохимия. 1979. Т.15. С.1875.
- B.I.Podlovchenko, N.A.Epstein, A.N.Frumkin. Investigation on the surface properties of platinum, rhodium and iridium electrodes in hydrofluoric acid solutions. J.Electroanal.Chem. 1974. V.53. P.95.
- Б.И.Подловченко. Адсорбция и электрокатализ на металлах группы платины в растворах фтористоводородной кислоты. Сб. «Итоги науки». Электрохимия. Т.19. М.: Изд. ВИНИТИ. 1981. С.196.
- B.Podlovchenko, R.Wetzel, E.Kolyadko, L.Muller. The formation and behaviour of Ag adsorbates at Pd electrodes and their influence on electrocatalytic oxidation of formic acid at Pd. J.Electroanal.Chem. 1982. V.137. P.117.
- V.Kazarinov, B.Podlovchenko, E.Kolyadko, V.Andreev. Investigation by the radioactive tracer method of silver adsorption a palladium electrode. J.Electroanal.Chem. 1983. V.148. P.241.
- R.U. Bruners, Yu.M. Maksimov, B.I. Podlovchenko. Determination of the hydrogen concentration and diffusion-coefficient in Pd(H) alpha-phase by a potentiostatic transient-diffusion technique. Electrochemistry. 1986. V.28. P.62.
- B.Podlovchenko, G.Shterev, R.Semkova, E.Kolyadko. Peculiarities of the electrocatalytic proptrties of surface skeleton iridium electrodes. Electrochim. Acta. 1990. V.35. P.191.
- B.Podlovchenko, H.-J.Heidrich, L.Muller. The influence of electrode porosity and temperature on electrochemical gas evolution at platinum and rhodium. J.Appl. Electrochem. 1990. V.20. P.686.
- B.I.Podlovchenko, E.A.Koljadko, V.I.Naumov. On the determination of zero charge potential of platinum group metals in the presence of foreign metal adatoms on the surface. J.Electroanal.Chem. 1991. V.309. P.49.
- B.I.Podlovchenko, E.A.Koljadko, Shigan Lu. Specific features of the hydrogen sorption by palladium disperse form at the a-phase potentials. J.Electroanal.Chem. 1974. V.53. P.95.
- B.I.Podlovchenko, Ju. M.Maksimov , T.L.Azarchenko. Preparation and electrocatalytic properties of platinum microparticles incorporated into polyvinylpyridine and nafion films. Electrochimica Acta. 1998. V.43. P.1053.
- B.I.Podlovchenko, E.A.Koljadko. A correlation between the changes in total charge and open circuit potential of a hydrogen electrode during the adsorption of neutral particles and the formation of adatoms form ions. J.Electroanal.Chem. 2001. V.506. P.11.
- Yu.M. Maksimov, E.A. Kolyadko, A.V. Shishlova, B.I. Podlovchenko. Electrocatalytic behavior of a palladium-polyaniline system obtained by electrodepositing palladium into a preliminarily formed polyaniline film .Russian Journal of Electrochemistry.2001.V.37. P.777.
- B.I. Podlovchenko, V.N. Andreev. Electrocatalysis on polymer-modified electrodes. Russ Chem. Rev. 2002. V.71. P.837.
- B.I.Podlovchenko, R.A.Manzhos, Ju.M.Maksimov. Interaction of HCO-substances with adsorbed oxygen on platinum electrodes: open transient reactions of HCOOH and CO. Electrochimica Acta. 2005. V.50. P.4807.
- B.I.Podlovchenko, T.D.Gladysheva. Copper-ion catalyzed electrochemical synthesis of methanol from carbon monoxide on palladium electrodes. Mendeleev Communication. 2006. V.16. P.232.
Recent papers
- Yu.M. Maksimov, B.I. Podlovchenko. Mechanism of interaction of molecular hydrogen with adsorbed oxygen on platinum electrodes under open circuit conditions. Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2009. V.45. P. 81.
- A.V. Smolin, B.I. Podlovchenko, Yu.M Maksimov. Formaldehyde interaction with adsorbed oxygen on open-circuit platinum electrodes in aqueous sulfuric acid solutions. Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2009. V.45. P. 246.
- Yu.M. Maksimov, B.I. Podlovchenko. Mechanism of interaction of molecular hydrogen with adsorbed oxygen on platinum electrodes under open circuit conditions. Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2009. V.45. P. 81.
- B.I.Podlovchenko, T.D.Gladysheva. Anomalous effect of the presence of methanol on the oxygen electroreduction rate on rhodium electrode in sulfuric acid solution. Mendeleev Communication. 2009. V.19. P.94.
- V.V. Kuznetsov, A.A. Kalinkina, Yu.M. Maksimov, B.I. Podlovchenko. Degradation of the Pt-MoOx composite catalyst in methanol solutions. Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2009. V.45. P.1211.
- The Effect of Hydrocarbon Chain Length in Normal Aliphatic Alcohols on Their Reaction with Oxygen Adsorbed on Polycrystalline Platinum Electrode. Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2010. V. 46. P. 367.
- E.A.Tveritinova, Ju.M.Maksimov, Ju.N. Zhitnev, B.I. Podlovchenko,V.V.Lunin. Use of galvanic displacement method in synthesis of a Pd(Cu) hydrodechlorination catalyst. Mendeleev Communication. 2009. V.20. P.10.
- Р.А.Манжос, А.Г.Кривенко, Б.И.Половченко.Изучение адсорбции кислорода на гладком платиновом электроде методом температурного скачка потенциала. Труды Института проблем химической физики РАН. 2008. Т.5. С.98.
- B. I. Podlovchenko, T. D. Gladysheva, A. Yu. Filatov, L. V. Yashina. The Use of Galvanic Displacement in Synthesizing Pt(Cu) Catalysts with the Core-Shell Structure. Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2010. V. 46.P. 1189.
- V.V. Kuznetsov, B.I. Podlovchenko, K.V. Kavyrshina, Yu.M. Maksimov. Oxidation of Methanol on Pt(Mo) Electrodes Obtained Using Galvanic Displacement Method. Russian Journal of Electrochemistry.2010.V.46. P. 1353.
- B.I.Podlovchenko, U.E.Zhumaev, Yu.M.Maksimov. Galvanic displacement of copper adatoms platinum in PtCl42- solulions. J.Electroanal.Chem. 2011.V.651. P.30.
- Ulmas E. Zhumaev, Yuri M. Maksimov and Boris I. Podlovchenko. Galvanic replacement of copper adatoms from Pt/Pt electrode surface in H2PtCl6 solulions. Mendeleev Communication. 2011.V.21.P.29.