Leonid Rabinovich, Ovadia Lev, Galina A. Tsirlina
Electrochemical characterisation of Pd modified ceramic | carbon electrodes: partially flooded versus wetted channel hydrophobic gas electrodes
(Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (1999) 466, 45–59) |
O.A.Petrii, G.A.Tsirlina, S.N.Pron’kin, F.M.Spiridonov and M.L.Khrushcheva
Platinized Platinum: Dependence of the Particle Size and the Texture on the Preparation Conditions
(Russian Journal of Electrochemistry 35 (1999) 8-18) |
Академик А.М.Дыхне, С.Ю.Васильев, О.А.Петрий, А.Г.Рудавец, Г.А.Цирлина
Молекулярный кластер как туннельный диод
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Г.А.Цирлина, Ю.Е.Рогинская, Г.Г.Постовалова, С.Ю.Васильев
Оксидные наноструктуры SnO2-TiO2, SnO2-ZrO2, SnO2-SbOx как зарядаккумулирующие материалы
(Электрохимия 35 (1999) 1380-1387) |
T.Ya. Safonova, O.A. Petrii
Effect of inorganic cations on the electroreduction of nitrate anions on Pt|Pt electrodes in sulfuric acid solutions
(Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (1998) 448, 211–216) |
G.A. Tsirlina, Yu.I. Kharkats, R.R. Nazmutdinov, O.A. Petrii
Asymmetry of inner-sphere reorganization energy for heterogeneous electron transfer
(Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (1998) 450, 63-68) |
Renat R. Nazmutdinov, Galina A. Tsirlina, Yurij I. Kharkats, Oleg A. Petrii and Michael Probst
Activation Energy of Electron Transfer between a Metal Electrode and Reagents of Nonspherical Form and Complicated Charge Distribution. Cr(EDTA) Complexes
(J. Phys. Chem. B (1998) 102, 677-686) |
Г.А.Цирлина, Ю.Е.Рогинская, Г.Г.Постовалова
Электрохимическое поведение SnO2-TiO2 оксидных наноструктур на стеклоуглеродных подложках
(Электрохимия 34 (1998) 569-574) |
G. A. Tsirlina, O. V. Safonova and O. A. Petrii
Thermodynamical analysis of non-stoichiometric thallium oxides and reactivity prediction for electrosynthesis
(Electrochimica Acta (1997) 42, No. 19, 2943-2946) |
G.A. Tsirlina, O.A.Petrii and S.Yu.Vassiliev
Electrochemical fabrication and study of polymer-modified STM tips
(Electrochimica Acta (1996) 41, No. 11/12, 1887-1889) |
G.A. Tsirlina, O.A. Petrii, S.Yu. Vassiliev
Multiphase electrocrystallization in the thallium oxide system: simultaneous nucleation on sites of different nature
(Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (1996) 414, 41-51) |
G.A. Tsirlina, O.A. Petrii
Electrosynthesis and electrochemical behaviour of unusual solid thallium-based phases: thallium peroxide, thallium(I) — thallium(III) mixed oxide, thallium cuprate, and thallium oxyfluoride
(Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (1996) 401, 33-43) |
O.A. Petrii
Surface Electrochemistry of oxides: thermodynamic and model approaches
(Electrochimica Acta (1996) 41, No 14, 2307-2312) |
O.A. Petrii and G.A. Tsirlina
Electrocatalytic activity prediction for hydrogen electrode reaction: intuition, art, science
(Electrochimica Acta (1994) 39, No 11/12, 1739-1747) |
M.L.Khrushcheva, G.A.Tsirlina, O.A.Petrii
Comparison of Electrocatalytic Activity of Smooth and Platinized Platinum Electrodes: the Size-Effect Approach
Russian Journal of Electrochemistry (1994) 30, No. 6, 681-685
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O.A.Petrii, T.Ya.Safonova
Fundamental aspects of the electrochemical behaviour of nitrogen compounds on platinum metals
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A. Vitins, O. A. Petrii, B. B. Damaskin, Yu. A. Ermakov, A. J. Gzhejdzyak, E. L. Kolomnikova, S. A. Sukhishvili, and A. A. Yaroslavov
Model Description of Adsorption Properties of Iridium Dioxide in Aqueous Solutions
(Elektrokhimiya (1992) 28, No 3, 404-413) |
S. Trasatti and O.A.Petrii
Real surface area measurements in electrochemistry
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V.E. Kazarinov, A.M. Foontikov and G.A. Tsirlina
Plasma electroreflection on platinum and true charge-transfer coefficients
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A.M.Brodsky, L.I.Daikhin, A.M.Foontikov, V.E.Kazarinov, G.A.Tsirlina, M.I.Urbakh
Investigation of the long-range inhomogeneity of adsorbtion layers by the electroscattering of light: adsobtion of hydrogen and anions on a platinum electrode
(Surface Science (1990) 226, 137-146) |
Г.А.Цирлина, О.А.Петрий, Н.С.Копылова
Электрокатализ аморфными и ионно-имплантированными материалами: проблемы и перспективы
(Электрохимия 26 (1990) 1059-1086) |
N.W. Smirnova, O.A. Petrii, A. Grzejdziak
Effect of ad-atoms on the electro-oxidation of ethylene glycol and oxalic acid on platinized platinum
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G.A. Tsirlina and O.A. Petrii
Role of carbon deficiency and anodic activation in the electrochemistry of carbide materials
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G.A. Tsirlina and O.A. Petrii
Hydrogen evolution on smooth stoichiometric tungsten and chromium carbides
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O.A. Petrii and L.G. Khomchenko
Electrochemical properties of platinum and palladium electrodes in acetonitrile solution
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L. Muller, G.N. Mansurov and O.A. Petrii
The measurement of strong adsorption on platinum film electrodes by surface conductance
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А.В.Лосев, О.А.Петрий
Суспензионный и псевдоожиженный электроды
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О.А.Петрий, Р.В.Марвет, Ж.Н.Малышева
Кривые заряжения платинового электрода в растворах фосфорной кислоты при различных температурах (in Russian)
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О.А.Петрий, Р.В.Марвет, Ж.Н.Малышева
Адсорбция метана на платиновом электроде в растворах фосфорной кислоты (in Russian)
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