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Veniamin Grigor’evich Levich On the occasion of his 60th birthday (J. Electroanal. Chem., 82 (1977) 1-7) |
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Veniamin (Benjamin) Grigor’evich Levich (1917–1987) (Russian J. Electrochem., 44 (2008) 360-367) |
Levich’s papers
1. Levich, V.G., Новейшие исследования в области космических лучей (in Russian), Usp. Fiz. Nauk, 1937, vol 18, pp. 507–526.
2. Levich V., Damping of Waves by Surface-Active Substances. I, Acta Physicochim. URSS, 1941, vol. 14, pp. 307–320.
3. Levich V., Damping of Waves by Surface-Active Substances. II, Acta Physicochim. URSS, 1941. vol. 14, pp. 321–328.
4. Levich, V.G., and Frumkin, A.N., Ohmic Resistance of Local Cells at the Metal Dissolution in Acids, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1941, vol. 15, pp. 748–759.
5. Landau L.D. and Levich B.G., Dragging of a Liquid by a Moving Plate, Acta Physicochim. URSS, 1942, vol. 17, pp. 42–54.
6. Levich B., The Theory of Concentration Polarization, Acta Physicochim. URSS, 1942, vol. 17, pp. 257–307.
7. Levich B. and Frumkin A., Ohmic Resistance of Local Voltaic Cells of the Solution of Metals in Acids, Acta Physicochim. URSS, 1943, vol. 18, pp. 325–340.
8. Levich V.G. Theory of Concentration Polarization. II: Steady-State Regime,
Acta Physicochim. URSS, 1944, vol. 19, pp. 117–132.
9. Levich B., Theory of Concentration Polarization. III: The Transition Regime, Acta Physicochim. URSS, 1944. vol. 19, pp. 133–138.
10. Levich, V.G., Theory of Concentration Polarization, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1944, vol. 18, pp. 335–355.
11. Frumkin A. N. and Levich, V.G., The movement of solid and liquid metal particles in electrolyte solutions. I. The movement in electric field (in Russian), Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1945, vol. 19, pp. 573–600.
(Doklady AN SSSR (1949) 65, No 4, 517-520)
12. Frumkin, A. and Levich, B., The Motion of Solid and Liquid Metallic Bodies in Solutions of Electrolytes. II; Acta Physicochim. URSS, 1946, vol. 21, pp. 193–212.
13. Temkin, M. and Levich, V., Adsorption Equilibrium on Heterogeneous Surfaces,
Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1946, vol. 20, pp. 1441–1457.
14. Frumkin, A.N. and Levich, V.G., The Effect of Surface Active Substances on the Motion at Liquid Interfaces, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1947, vol. 21, pp. 1183–1204.
15. Frumkin, A.N. and Levich, V.G., Motion of Solid and Liquid Metal Particles in Solutions of Electrolytes, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1947, vol. 21, pp. 399–412.
16. Frumkin, A.N. and Levich, V.G., Motion of Solid and Liquid Metal Particles in an Electric Field. II. Currents of Falling Drops, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1947, vol. 21, pp. 953−966.
17. Levich, V.G., Motion of Solid and Liquid Metal Particles in Electrolyte Solutions. III. The General Theory, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1947, vol. 21, pp. 689–701.
18. Frumkin, A.N and Levich, V.G., Motion of Solid and Liquid Metal Particles in Aqueous Electrolytes. IV. Maxima in the Current vs. Voltage Curves of a Dropping Electrode , Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1947, vol. 21, pp. 1335–1349.
19. Levich, B., The Theory of Concentration Polarization (with discussion),
Discuss. Faraday Soc., 1947, no. 1, pp. 37–50.
20. Levich, V.G., Theory of Diffusion Kinetics of Heterogeneous Chemical Processes. I. Reactions at the Solid–Liquid Interface, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1948, vol. 22, pp. 575–
21. Levich, V.G., Theory of Diffusion Kinetics of Heterogeneous Chemical Processes. II. Reactions Taking Place at the Solid–Liquid Interface in Turbulent Flow, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1948, vol. 22, pp. 711–720.
22. Levich, V.G. Theory of Diffusion Kinetics of Heterogeneous Chemical Processes. III. Reactions Taking Place at the Solid–Liquid–Gas Interface, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1948, vol. 22, pp. 721–729.
23. Levich, V.G., Motion of Bubbles at High Reynolds Numbers, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz.
, 1949, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 18–24.
24. Levich, V.G., Theory of the nonequilibrium double layer, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1949, vol. 67, pp. 309–312. (Doklady AN SSSR (1949) 65, No 4, 517-520)
25. Levich, V.G. and Meiman, N.N., Theory of Slow Heterogeneous Reactions in a Moving Liquid, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1951, vol. 79, pp. 97–100.
26. Levich, V.G., Diffusion Kinetics of Electrochemical Processes, Trudy Soveshchaniya po Elektrokhimii (Proceedings of Meeting on Electrochemistry) Moscow: Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1953, pp. 193–201.
27. Levich, V.G., The Theory of Coagulation of Colloids in Turbulent Liquid Stream,
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 1954, vol. 99, pp. 809-812.
28. Levich, V. G., The Theory of Coagulation and Precipitation of Aerosol Particles in a Turbulent Gas Stream. The Coefficient of Collection of Aerosol Particles, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1954, vol. 99, pp. 1041-1044.
29. Deryagin, B.V. and Levich, V.G., The Theory of Repulsive Forces in Electrolyte Films Between Unequally Charged Surfaces, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1954, vol. 98, pp. 985−988.
30. Levich, V.G., The Stabilization of Suspensions, Emulsions, and Colloids, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1955, vol. 103, pp. 453–456.
31. Levich, V.G., Theory of Concentration Polarization in a Nonstationary System,
Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1955, vol. 29, pp. 734–743.
32. Levich, V.G., Stability of the Flame Front during the Slow Burning of Liquids,
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1956, vol. 109, no. 5, pp. 975–978.
33. Levich, V.G. and Myamlin, V.A., The Motion of Mercury Drops in Gravitational and Magnetic Fields, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1957, vol. 31, pp. 2453–2457.
34. Koutecky, J. and Levich, V.G., An Application of a Rotating Disk Electrode to the Studies of Kinetic and Catalytic Processes in Electrochemistry, Dokl. Akad.
Nauk SSSR, 1957, vol. 117, pp. 441–444.
35. Koutecky, J. and Levich, V.G., The Use of a Rotating Disk Electrode in the Studies of Electrochemical Kinetics and Electrolytic Processes, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1958, vol. 32, pp. 1565–1575.
36. Kir’yanov, V.A. and Levich, V.G., Theory of the Electric Double Layer at the Metal–Electrolyte Interface, Nekot. Vopr. Inzh. Fiz., 1958, no. 3, pp. 5–27.
37. Ivanov, Yu.B. and Levich, V.G., Convective Diffusion in the Critical Range of Binary Liquid Systems, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1958, vol. 32, pp. 592–597.
38. Frumkin, A., Nekrasov, L., Levich, B, and Ivanov, Yu., The Use of a Rotating Ring-Disk Electrode for Studying Intermediate Products of Electrochemical Reactions, J. Electroanal. Chem., 1959, vol. 1, pp. 84–90.
39. Ivanov, Yu.B. and Levich, V.G., Study of Unstable Intermediate Products of Electrode Reactions with a Rotating Disk Electrode, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1959, vol. 126, pp. 1029–1032.
40. Vdovin Yu.A., Levich, V.G., and Myamlin, V.A. Current vs. Voltage Characteristics of the Electrolyte–n-Semiconductor Junction,
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1959, vol. 124, pp. 350–353.
41. Levich, V.G., Diffusion Kinetics of Electrochemical Reactions,
Trudy Chetvertogo Soveshchaniya po Elektrokhimii (Materials of the 4th Meeting on Electrochemistry), Moscow; AN SSSR, 1959, pp. 649–660.
42. Vdovin, Yu.A., Levich, V.G., and Myamlin, V.A., Anodic Dissolution of Germanium, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1959, vol. 126, pp. 1296–1299.
43. Levich, V.G., Theory of the nonequilibrium double layer, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1959, vol. 124, pp. 869–872.
44. Levich, V.G. and Dogonadze, R.R., Theory of Nonradiation Electron Transitions from Ion to Ion in Solutions, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1959, vol. 124, pp. 123–126.
45. Dogonadze, R.R., Levich, V.G., and Chizmadzhev, Yu.A., Theory of Electrochemical Protection. I. Processes Controlled by the Electrochemical Reaction Rate, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1959, vol. 33, pp. 1111–1118.
46. Dogonadze, R.R., Levich, V.G., and Chizmadzhev, Yu.A., Theory of Electrochemical Protection. II. Reactions with Diffusion Control, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1960, vol. 34, pp. 2320–2327.
47. Levich, V.G. and Dogonadze, R.R., The Adiabatic Theory of Electron [Transfer] Processes in Solutions, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1960, vol. 133, pp. 158–161.
48. Levich, V.G., Kir’yanov, V.A., and Krylov, V.S., Effects of the Discrete Nature of the Charge and the Double Layer Properties at the Metal–Solution Interface (Allowance for the Discrete Structure of the Charge Carried by Specifically Adsorbed Ionic Layers), Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1960, vol. 135, pp. 1425–1428.
49. Levich, V.G. and Chizmadzhev, Yu.A., Convective Instability in an Electrochemical System, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1960, vol. 134, pp. 380–383.
50. Levich, V.G., Khaikin, B.I., and Kir’yanov, V.A., Faradaic Impedance for Reversible Electrode Processes Involving Catalytic Evolution of Hydrogen,
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1961, vol. 139, pp. 925–928.
51. Levich, V.G. and Krylov, V.S., Theory of Electric Double Layer in Concentrated Solutions, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1961, vol. 141, pp. 1403–1405.
52. Levich, V.G. and Dogonadze, R.R., Adiabatic Theory of the Electron [Transfer] Processes in Solutions, Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun., 1961, vol. 26, pp. 193–214.
53. Levich, V.G. and Krylov, V.S., The Adsorption Isotherm in Terms of a Model of the Discrete Electrical Double Layer, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1962, vol. 142, pp. 123– 126.
54. Levich, V.G. and Gurevich, Yu.Ya., Effect of a Magnetic Field on [the propagation] of Surface Waves in a Conducting Liquid, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR
, 1962, vol. 143, pp. 64–67.
55. Levich, V.G. and Yalamov, Yu.I., Theory of Polyelectrolyte Solutions, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1962, vol. 36, pp. 1096–1102.
56. Levich, V.G. and Yalamov, Yu.I., Certain Problems in the Theory of Weakly Ionized Polyelectrolytes, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1962, vol. 142, pp. 851–854.
57. Levich, V.G. and Yalamov, Yu.I., Potential Distribution at the Surface of a Strongly Ionized Polymer Macromolecule in an Electrolyte Solution, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1962, vol. 142, pp. 399–402.
58. Levich, V.G. and Kuznetsov, A.M., Motion of Drops in Liquids, Caused by Surface-Active Substances, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1962, vol. 146, pp. 145–147.
59. Levich, V.G. and Kir’yanov, V.A., Statistical Theory of Solutions of Strong Electrolytes, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1962, vol. 36, pp. 1646–1654.
60. Levich, V.G. and Golovin A.M., Theory of Heavy Rain, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,
1962, vol. 147, pp. 829–832.
61. Levich, V.G., Khaikin, B.I., and Mairanovskii, S.G., Influence of the Double Layer on the Polarographic Waves of Catalytic Hydrogen Evolution, Dokl. Akad.
Nauk SSSR, 1962, vol. 145, pp. 605–608.
62. Levich, V.G. and Grafov B.M., Alternating Current in a Binary Electrolyte, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1962, vol. 146, pp. 398–401.
63. Levich, V.G. and Grafov, B.M., Effect of the Irreversibility of a Reaction on the Faraday Impedance in a Binary Electrolyte, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1962, vol. 146, pp. 644–645.
64. Levich V.G. and Grafov, B.M., The Rectification Effect on an Ideally Polarizable Electrode, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1962, vol. 146, pp. 1372–1373.
65. Levich, V.G. and Grafov, B.M., Faraday Rectification in a Solution of a Binary Electrolyte, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1962, vol. 147, pp. 1402–1405.
66. Levich, V.G. and Khaikin, B.I., Irreversible Polarographic Waves of Catalytic Hydrogen Evolution, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1962, vol. 147, pp. 146–149.
67. Krylov, V.S. and Levich, V.G., Theory of a Double Layer in Concentrated Solutions, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1963, vol. 37, pp. 106–114.
68. Levich, V.G., Markin, V.S., and Chirkov, Yu.G., Electric Conductivity and Electron Spin Resonance Signal in Polymers with Conjugated Double Bonds,
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1963, vol. 149, pp. 894–896.
69. Krylov, V.S. and Levich, V.G., Double Layer in Concentrated Solutions. II. Metal–Solution Interface, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1963, vol. 37, pp. 2273–2277.
70. Levich, V.G., Khaikin, B.I., and Grafov, B.M., Faraday Heterodyning,
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1963, vol. 153, pp. 1374–1377.
71. Levich, V.G., Grabovskii, Z.Ch., and Filinovskii, V.Yu., Kinetic and Catalytic Currents on a Hanging Drop Electrode, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1963, vol. 151, pp. 1379–1382.
72. Levich, V.G. and Filinovskii, V.Yu., Use of the Hanging- Drop Electrode for the Study of Unstable Products of Electrode Reactions, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Ser. Sci.
Chim., 1963, vol. 11, pp. 705–710.
73. Levich, V.G., Chizmadzhev, Yu.A., and Chirkov, Yu.G., Polarization Curves for Electrodes Partially Immersed in an Electrolyte Solution, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,
1964, vol. 157, pp. 404–407.
74. Levich, V.G, Grafov, B.M., and Khaikin, B.I., Second Harmonic Phase of a Variable Potential and the Transfer Coefficient of a Rapid Electrochemical Reaction,
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1964, vol. 154, pp. 200–202.
75. Levich, V.G., Kir’yanov, V.A., and Krylov, V.S., Properties of the Double Layer and the Character of the Electrostatic Adsorption of Ions, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,
1964, vol. 155, pp. 662–665.
76. Kir’yanov, V.A. and Levich, V.G., Statistical Theory of Nonequilibrium Processes at the Metal–Solution Interface. Statistical Theory of Nonequilibrium Double Layer,
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1964, vol. 159, pp. 170–173.
77. Krylov, V.S. and Levich, V.G., The Effect of Discreteness of Adsorbed Charge on the Interphase Tension, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1964, vol. 159, pp. 409–412.
78. Levich, V.G., Theory of Macroscopic Kinetics of Heterogeneous and Homogeneous-Heterogeneous Systems, Usp. Khim., 1965, vol. 34, pp. 1846–1865.
79. Levich, V.G., Khaikin, B.I., and Belokolos, E.D., Establishment of the Adsorption Equilibrium on Flat and Dropping Electrodes and the Irreversible Electrochemical Conversion of Adsorbed Substances, Elektrokhimiya,1965, vol. 1, pp. 1273–1279.
80. Vorotilin, V.P., Krylov, V.S., and Levich, V.G., On the Theory of Extraction from a Falling Droplet, Zh. Prikl. Mat. Mekh., 1965, vol. 29, pp. 386–394.
81. Levich, V.G., Krylov, V.S., and Vorotilin, V.P., Theory of Unsteady Diffusion from a Moving Drop, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1965, vol. 160, pp. 1358–1360.
82. Levich, V.G., Krylov, V.S., and Vorotilin, V.P., Theory of Extraction from a Falling Drop, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1965, vol. 161, pp. 648–651.
83. Levich, V.G. and Brodskii, A.M., General Theory of Homogeneous-Heterogeneous Processes in Moving Media, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1965, vol. 165, pp. 607–610.
84. Pis’men, L.M. and Levich, V.G., Limit of a Chain-Thermal Explosion, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1965, vol. 165, pp. 144–146.
85. Levich, V.G. and Dogonadze, R.R., State of the Art in the Theory of Electron Transitions in Solutions, in Osnovnye voprosy sovremennoi teoreticheskoi elektrokhimii (Main Problems of the Modern Theoretical Electrochemistry), Moscow: Mir, 1965, pp. 21–29.
86. Levich, V.G., Elementary Processes in Macrokinetics, Pure Appl. Chem., 1965, vol. 10, pp. 643–657.
87. Levich, V.G. and Brodskii, A.M., Theory of Homogeneous-Heterogeneous Radical Reactions in a Turbulent Flow, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1965, vol. 165, pp. 1115– 1118.
88. Levich, V.G., Markin, V.S., and Chirkov, Yu.G., Thermal Diffusion in Liquids at the Surface of a Rotating Disk, Elektrokhimiya, 1965, vol. 1, pp. 1416–1421.
89. Levich, V.G., On a sensational effect, Usp. Fiz. Nauk, 1966, vol. 88, pp. 787–788.
90. Levich, V. G., Present State of the Theory of Oxidation-Reduction in Solution (Bulk and Electrode Reactions), in Advances in Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering, Delahay, P.N., Ed., New York: Interscience, 1966, vol. 4, pp. 249–371
91. Levich, V.G. and Myasnikov, V.P., Kinetic Theory of the Fluidized State, Khim. Prom-st., 1966, vol. 42, pp. 404- 408.
92. Levich, V.G., Kharkats, Yu.I., and Chizmadzhev, Yu.A., Work of a Porous Catalyst Grain in a Fractional-Order Reaction under Non-isothermal Conditions, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1966, vol. 167, pp. 147–150.
93. Levich, V.G., Markin, V.S., and Chizmadzhev, Yu.A., Hydrodynamic Mixing in a Model of a Porous Medium with Stagnant Zones, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1966, vol. 166, pp. 1401–1404.
94. Brodskii, A.M. and Levich, V.G., The Rate of Formation of Surface Deposits in an Elongated Chemical Reactor, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1966, vol. 166, pp. 151–154.
95. Levich, V.G., Markin, V.S., and Chizmadzhev, Yu.A., Longitudinal Hydrodynamic Mixing in Porous Media with Stagnant Zones Investigated with the Aid of Harmonic Signals, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1966, vol. 168, pp. 1364–1366.
96. Levich, V.G., Pis’men, L.M., and Kuchanov, S.I., Hydrodynamic Mixing in a Granular Layer: Physical Model of Stagnant Zones, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1966, vol. 168, pp. 392–395.
97. Golovin, A.M., Levich, V.G., and Tolmachev, V.V., Hydrodynamics of a System of Bubbles in a Low-Viscosity Liquid, Zh. Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 1966, no. 2, pp. 63–71.
98. Levich, V.G., Kharkats, Yu.I., and Pis’men, L.M., Influence of External Diffusion Inhibition on the Process in a Porous Catalyst, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1966, vol. 171, pp. 406–409.
99. Levich, V.G., Modern State of the Theory of Oxidation- Reduction Processes in Solutions (Volume and Electrode Reactions), Itogi Nauki Tekh., Ser. Elektrokhimiya, Moscow: VINITI, 1967, pp. 5–116.
100. Levich, V.G., Theory of Macroscopic Kinetics of Heterogeneous and Homogeneous-Heterogeneous Processes, Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem., 1967, vol. 18, pp. 153–176.
101. Levich, V.G. and Kuchanov, S.I., Motion of Solid Particles Suspended in a Turbulent Flow, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1967, vol. 174, pp. 763–766.
102. Pis’men, L.M., Kuchanov, S.I., and Levich, V.G., Transverse Diffusion in a Granular Layer, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1967, vol. 174, pp. 650–653.
103. Kuchanov, S.I. and Levich, V.G., Energy Dissipation in a Turbulent Gas Containing Suspended Solid Particles, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1967, vol. 174, pp. 1033–1036.
104. Levich, V.G., Brodskii, A.M., and Pis’men, L.M., Theory of Branching Homogeneous-Heterogeneous Chain Reactions in a Flow, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1967, vol. 176, pp. 371–373.
105. Brodskii, A.M. and Levich, V.G., Chemical Reactor Theory for Homogeneous- Processes in Continuous Flow Reactors, Teor. Osn. Khim. Tekhnol., 1967, vol. 1, pp. 147–157.
106. Gurevich, Yu.Ya., Brodskii, A.M., and Levich, V.G.,Fundamental Principles of the Electrode Photoeffect Theory, Elektrokhimiya, 1967, vol. 3, pp. 1302–1310.
107. Levich, V.G. and Myasnikov, V.P., Kinetic Model of a Fluidized Layer, Zh. Prikl. Mat. Mekh., 1967, vol. 30, pp. 558–567.
108. Dogonadze, R.R., Kuznetsov, A.M., and Levich, V.G., Quantum Theory of Hydrogen Overvoltage, Elektrokhimiya, 1967, vol. 3, pp. 739–742.
109. Levich, V.G., Pis’men, L.M., and German, E.D., Packed-Bed Reactor Calcu ations Based on the Cell Model, Teor. Osn. Khim. Tekhnol., 1967, vol. 1, pp. 366–373.
110. Levich, V.G., Markin, V.S., and Chismadzhev, Yu.A., On Hydrodynamic Mixing in a Model of a Porous Medium with Stagnant Zones, Chem. Eng. Sci., 1967, vol. 22, pp. 1357–1367.
111. Krylov, V.S., Boyadzhiev, Kh., and Levich, V.G., Theory of Convective Diffusion in Thin Liquid Films, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1967, vol. 175, pp. 156–159.
112. Boyadzhiev, Kh., Levich, V.G., and Krylov, V.S., Effect of Surface-Active Agents on the Mass Transfer in Laminar Liquid Films. I. Improvement of Eddy Diffusion
Theory, Izv. Inst. Obsh. Neorg. Khim., Bulg. Akad. Nauk., 1967, vol. 5, pp. 57–63.
113. Levich, V.G. and Pis’men, L.M., Modeling of Chemical Reactors, Doklady 5-i Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii po fiz. mat. modelirovaniyu (Reports of 5th International Conference on Physical and Mathematical Modeling), Rozen, A.M., Ed., Moscow: MEI, 1968, pp. 35–48.
114. Levich, V.G. and Pis’men, L.M., Steady State Operations of Reactors with Granular Catalyst Layers, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1968, vol. 176, pp. 150–153.
115. Levich, V.G., Wave Theory of the Kinetics of Chemical Reactions, Vestn. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1968, vol. 38, pp. 18–24.
116. Levich, V.G., Dogonadze, R.R., and Kuznetsov, A.M., The Theory of Electrode Reactions, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1968, vol. 179, pp. 137–140.
117. Grafov, B.M. and Levich, V.G. The Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem in the Stationary State, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., 1968, vol. 54, pp. 951–958.
118. Vorotilin, V.P., Krylov, V.S., and Levich, V.G., A Numerical Method of Computing the Turbulent Boundary Layer in a Gas Flowing Past a Laminar Liquid Film, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1968, vol. 183, pp. 154–157.
119. Dogonadze, R.R., Kuznetsov, A.M., and Levich, V.G., Theory of Hydrogen-Ion Discharge on Metals: Case of High Overvoltages , Electrochim. Acta, 1968, vol. 13, pp. 1025–1044.
120. Brodskii, A.M., Gurevich, Yu.Ya., and Levich, V.G., Homoheterogeneous Unbranched Radical Reactions, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1968, vol. 183, pp. 1143–1146.
121. Brodskii, A.M., Levich, V.G., and Tolmachev, V.V., Minimum Momentum Transfer Principle for Elementary Chemical Reactions and the Polanyi Rule, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1968, vol. 183, pp. 852–855.
122. Levich, V.G. and Krylov, V.S., Surface Tension Driven Phenomena, Ann. Rev. Fluid Mechanics, vol. 1, Sears, W.R., Ed., Palo Alto: Ann. Rev. Inc., 1969, pp. 293–316.
123. Krylov, V.S., Vorotilin, V.P., and Levich, V.G., Theory of Wave Motion of Thin Liquid Films, Teor. Osn. Khim. Tekhnol., 1969, vol. 3, pp. 499–507.
124. Davidovich, B.M., Levich, V.G., and Tolmachev, V.V., Computation of Energy Shifts for Degenerate Levels of Multielectron Atoms, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1969, vol. 186, pp. 124–127.
125. Brodskii, A.M., Levich, V.G., and Tolmachev, V.V., Scattering Amplitudes for Rearrangement Processes at Low Energies, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1968, vol. 182,
pp. 1036–1039.
126. Brodskii, A.M. and Levich, V.G., Experimentally Checked Results of the Principle of Minimum Transferable Pulses for Substitution Reactions, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1969, vol. 186, pp. 1344–1347.
127. Dogonadze, R.R., Kuznetsov, A.M., and Levich, V.G., Quantum-Mechanical Models of a Polar Liquid, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1969, vol. 188, pp. 383–386.
128. Levich, V.G., Markin, V.S, and Chizmadzhev, Yu.A., Electrochemical Mechanisms of Generation and Transmission of Nerve Impulses, Vestn. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1969, vol. 39, pp. 60–67.
129. Klimenkov, E.Ya., Grafov, B.M., Levich, V.G., and Strizhevskii, I.V., Limiting Current of an Electrode Occupying the Inner Surface of a Channel, Elektrokhimiya, 1969, vol. 5, pp. 202–206.
130. Klimenkov, E.Ya., Grafov, B.M., Levich, V.G., and Strizhevskii, I.V., Effect of a Periodic Pressure Gradient Component on the Limiting Electrical Current, Elektrokhimiya, 1969, vol. 5, pp. 707–710.
131. Brodskii, A.M., Levich, V.G., and Tolmachev, V.V., Wave Theory of Cross Sections of Gas-Phase Substitution Reactions. I. Derivation of a Formula for the Cross Sections, Khim. Vys. Energ., 1970, vol. 4, pp. 101–107.
132. Brodskii, A.M., Levich, V.G., and Tolmachev, V.V., Wave Theory of the Cross Sections of Gas-Phase Substitution Reactions. II. Overlap Integral and General
Properties of the Energy and Angular Functions of Cross Sections, Khim. Vys. Energ., 1970, vol. 4, pp. 195–201.
133. Brodskii, A.M. and Levich, V.G., Justification of Separation of the Electron and Nuclear Motions during Reactions in Atomic-Molecular Systems, Dokl. Akad.
Nauk SSSR, 1970, vol. 191, pp. 126–129.
134. Levich, V.G., Dogonadze, R.R., German, E.D., Kuznetsov, A.M., and Kharkats, Yu.I., Theory of Homogeneous Reactions Involving Proton Transfer, Electrochim.
Acta, 1970, vol. 15, 353–367.
135. Levich, V.G., Mazur, N.G., and Markin, V.S., Saltatory Conduction of Excitation in a Lillie-Bonhoeffer Model of a Myelinated Nerve Fiber, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,
1970, vol. 195, pp. 209–212.
136. Ait’yan, S.K., Levich, V.G., Markin, V.S., and Chizmadzhev, Yu.A., Generalized Model of Ion Transport through Artificial Phospholipid Membranes, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1970, vol. 193, pp. 1402–1405.
137. Brodskii, A.M. and Levich, V.G., Formulation of Equations for Scattering with Coordinate Transformation, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1970, vol. 174, pp. 1294–1297.
138. German, E.D., Dogonadze, R.R., Kuznetsov, A.M., Levich, V.G., and Kharkats, Yu.I., Theory of the Isotopic Effect in Electrode Processes, Elektrokhimiya, 1970, vol. 6, pp. 350–353.
139. Levich, V.G., Dogonadze, R.R., Vorotyntsev, M.A., German, E.D., Kuznetsov, A.M., and Kharkats, Yu.I., Quantum Theory of the Kinetics of Electrochemical Processes, Elektrokhimiya, 1970, vol. 6, pp. 562–568.
140. Klimenkov, E.Ya., Grafov, B.M., Levich, V.G., and Strizhevskii, I.V., Relaxation of the Diffusion Process in a Channel in the Presence of Time-Variable Hydrodynamic Flow, Elektrokhimiya, 1970, vol. 6, pp. 1024– 1028.
141. Klimenkov, E.Ya., Grafov, B.M., Levich, V.G., and Strizhevskii, I.V., Diffusion to a One-sided Electrode in a Plane-Parallel Channel in the Presence of Poiseuille Flow, Elektrokhimiya, 1970, vol. 6, pp. 1028–1033.
142. Klimenkov, E.Ya., Grafov, B.M., Levich, V.G., and Strizhevskii, I.V., Establishment of a Periodic Diffusion Process in a Flat Channel, Elektrokhimiya, 1970, vol. 6, pp. 1382–1387.
143. Levich, V.G., Podgaetskii, E.M., and Filinovskii, V.Yu., Numerical Solution of the Kinetic Boltzmann Equation for One-Dimensional Stationary Gas Flows, Zh. Vych. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 1970, vol. 10, pp. 654–665.
144. Levich, V.G., Podgaetskii, E.M., and Filinovskii, V.Yu., A Successive Approximation Method for Solving a Nonlinear Volterra Integral Equation of the Second Kind, Zh. Vych. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 1970, vol. 10, pp. 138–145.
145. Brodskii, A.M., Gurevich, Yu.Ya., and Levich, V.G., General Threshold Theory of Electronic Emission from the Surface of a Metal, Phys. Status Solidi, 1970,
vol. 40, pp. 139–151.
146. Levich, V.G. and Kuznetsov, A.M., Calculation of the Rate Constant of a Reaction with Charge Transfer in a Polar Liquid in the Harmonic Approximation, Teor. Eksp. Khim., 1970, vol. 6, pp. 291–297.
147. Levich, V.G. and Kuznetsov, A.M., Quantum Statistical Theory of the Kinetics of Homogeneous Reactions with Proton Transfer, Teor. Eksp. Khim., 1970, vol. 6, pp. 455–461.
148. Klimenkov, E.Ya., Grafov, B.M., Levich, V.G., and Strizhevskii, I.V., Determination of an Alternating Diffusion Current of a Spherical Electrode, Elektrokhimiya, 1970, vol. 6, pp. 1742–1746.
149. Levich, V.G., Kinetics of Reactions with Charge Transport, Phys. Chem., Eyring, H., Ed., New York: Academic, 1970, vol. 9B, pp. 985–1074.
150. Lopatin, V.A., Grafov, B.M., and Levich, V.G., Mass Transfer to a Rotating Disk Electrode in the Case of a Time Dependent Bulk Concentration of Reacting Substance, Elektrokhimiya, 1971, vol. 7, pp. 123–126.
151. Lopatin, V.A., Grafov, B.M., and Levich, V.G., Calculation of a Variable Diffusion Current on a Vibrating Electrode Taking into Account the Electrode Reaction Rate,
Elektrokhimiya, 1971, vol. 7, pp. 120–123.
152. Levich, V.G., Mazur, N.G., Markin, V.S., Blocking of an Impulse by a Heteroheneity in a Electrochemical Nerve Model, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Biol., 1971, vol. 198, pp. 1214–1216.
153. Levich, V.G., Mazur, N.G., and Markin, V.S., Propagation of Excitations over a Homogeneous Fiber in the Lillie Bonhoeffer Model, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser.
Biol., 1970, vol. 195, pp. 209–212.
154. Dogonadze, R.R., Krishtalik, L.I., and Levich, V.G., Theory of the Elementary Processes of Electrode Reactions , Zh. Vses. Khim. O-va. im. D. I. Mendeleeva, 1971, vol. 16, pp. 613–620.
155. German, E.D., Dogonadze, R.R., Kuznetsov, A.M., Levich, V.G., and Kharkats, Yu.I., Kinetics of the Chemical Reactions in Polar Liquids. I. Theory, J. Res. Inst.
Catal., Hokkaido Univ., 1971, vol. 19, pp. 99–114.
156. German, E.D., Dogonadze, R.R., Kuznetsov, A.M., Levich, V.G., and Kharkats, Yu.I., Kinetics of Chemical Reactions in Polar Liquids. II. Comparison with Experiment, J. Res. Inst. Catal., Hokkaido Univ., 1971, vol. 19, pp. 115–125.
157. Grafov, B.M. and Levich, V.G., Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem for Electrochemical Networks, Elektrokhimiya, 1972, vol. 8, p. 478–481.
158. Levich, V.G., Madumarov, A.K., and Kharkats, Yu.I., Role of Bridging Ions in Electron Transfer Reactions, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1972, vol. 203, pp. 1351-1353.
159. Levich, V.G. and Rybakov, V.M., Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer in a Tube with Laminar Vapor Flow and a Thin Liquid Film, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1972,
vol. 204, pp. 654–657.
160. Lopatin, V.A., Grafov, B.M., and Levich, V.G., Transfer of a Substance with a Concentration that Changes Periodically over Time in a Thin Electrolyte Layer Adjacent to the Walls, Elektrokhimiya, 1972, vol. 8, pp. 1233–1236.
161. Pis’men, L.M., Kharkats, Yu.I., and Levich, V.G., Regimes of the Process on a Porous Catalyst Pellet, in Porous Struct. Catal. Transp. Processes Heterogeneous
Catal., Symp., Boreskov, G.K., Ed., Budapest: Akad. Kiado, 1972, pp. 147–162.
162. Brodsky, A.M. and Levich, V.G., Theory of the Simplest Substitution Reactions , J. Chem. Phys., 1973, vol. 58, pp. 3065–3081.
163. Babchin, A.J., Piliavin, M.A., and Levich, V.G., Rheoelectric Effect in a Polar Liquid Interphase Layer, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 1976, vol. 57, pp. 1–10.
164. Babchin, A.J., Piliavin, M.A., and Levich, V.G., Rheoelectric Effect in Polar Liquids, Proc. 7th Int. Conrg. Rheol., Klason, C. and Kubat, J., Eds., Goeteborg: Swed. Soc. Rheol., 1976, pp. 406–407.
165. Levich, V.G., Effect of Surface Active Substances on Liquid Movement, Tr. 7 Mezhd. Kongr. Poverkhn.-Akt. Veshchestvam (Proc. 7th Int. Congr. on Surfactants),
Moscow: Nats. Kom. SSSR Poverkhn.-Akt. Veshchestvam, 1976, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 1193–1207.
166. Levich, B., The Influence of Surface-Active Substances on the Motion of Liquids. I. General Considerations, PhysicoChemical Hydrodynamics, 1981, vol. 2, pp. 85–94.
167. Levich, B.G., The Influence of Surface-Active Substances on the Motion of Liquid. II. The Influence on the Interface Stability, PhysicoChemical Hydrodynamics, 1981, Vol. 2, pp. 95–100.
168. Levich, B., Mathematical Theory of Diffusion Phenomena and Reactions in Porous Catalysts , Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 1979, vol. 22, pp. 635–636.
169. Babchin, A.J., Frenkel, A.L., Levich, B.G., and Sivashinsky, G.I., Nonlinear Saturation of Rayleigh-Taylor Instability in Thin Films, Phys. Fluids, 1983, vol. 26, pp. 3159–3161.
170. Frenkel, A.L., Babchin, A.J., Levich, B.G., Shlang, T., and Sivashinsky, G.I., Annular Flows Can Keep Unstable Films from Breakup: Nonlinear Saturation of Capillary Instability, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 1987, vol. 115, pp. 225–233.
171. Levich, B.G. and Kishinevsky, Y., Aeration and Deaeration Processes in Large Power Plant Condensers, Heat Transfer Eng., 1990, vol. 11, pp. 19–31.
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About the letter of Ya. Bikerman (in Russian) (J. Phys. Chem. (U.S.S.R.) (1947) 21, 399) |