A.Frumkin and B. Damaskin
Real free solvation energy of an electron in a solution in equilibrium with the electrode and it’s dependence on the solvent nature
(J. Electroanal. Chem. 79 (1977) 259-266) |
A.Frumkin, N.Polianovskaya and B.Damaskin
Determination of Formal Charge Transfer Coefficients in Adsorption Processes in the System Hg, Tl, Tl+, H2O. II. Electrocapillary Curves of the Second Kind
(J. Electroanal. Chem. 73 (1976) 273-277) |
N.Polianovskaya, B.Damaskin and A.Frumkin
Determination of Formal Charge Transfer Coefficients in Adsorption Processes in the System Hg, Tl, Tl+, H2O. I. Electrocapillary Curves of the First Kind
(J. Electroanal. Chem. 73(1976)267-272) |
A.N. Frumkin and O.A. Petrii
Potentials of zero total and zero free charge of platinum group metals
(Electrochimica Acta 20 (1975) 347-359) |
A.N. Frumkin
Physical meaning of the Gibbs adsorption G in the case of substances whose adsorption leads to surface charging
(J. Eleciroanal. Chem. 64 (1975) 247-251) |
E.V. Stenina, A.N.Frumkin, N.V. Nikolaeva-Fedorovich and I.V. Osipov
Polarographic maxima of the third kind. III
(Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry 62 (1975) 11-20) |
A.N.Frumkin, N.V.Nikolaeva-Fedorovich, N.P.Berezina and Kh.E.Keis
The Electroreduction of the S2O82- Anion
(Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry 58 (1975) 189-201) |
A. Frumkin, B. Damaskin and O. Petrii
On the charge transfer in the process of adsorption at the electrode/solution interface
(Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry 53 (1974) 57-65) |
A.N.Frumkin, N.V.Fedorovich, B.B.Damaskin, E.V.Stenina and V.S.Krylov
Polarographic Maxima of the Third Kind
(Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry 50 (1974) 103-111) |
A. Frumkin, B. Damaskin, N. Grigoryev and I. Bagotskaya
Potentials of zero charge, interaction of metals with water and adsorption of organic substances. I. Potentials of zero charge and hydrophilicity of metals
(Electrochimica Acta 19 (1974) 69-74) |
D.I.Leikis, K.V.Rybalka, E.S.Sevastyanov, A.N.Frumkin
Determination of the Potentials of Zero Charge of Solid Metals by means of Differential Capacity Measurements
(Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry 46 (1973) 161-169) |
A. Frumkin, N. Polianovskaya, I. Bagotskaya and N. Grigoryev
Electrocatalysis and electrode surface properties
(J.Electroanal.Chem. 33 (1971) 319-328) |
A. Frumkin, V. Korshunov and I. Bagozkaya
Hydrogen evolution from alkaline solutions on metals of high overvoltage
(Electrochimica Acta 15 (1970) 289-301) |
A.N. Frumkin and O.A. Petrii
Adsorption of ions and atoms on platinum-group metals
(Electrochimica Acta 15 (1970) 391-403) |
Frumkin A., Petry O. and Damaskin B.
The Notion of the Electrode Charge and the Lippman Equation
(J. Electroanal. Chem. 27 (1970) 81-100) |
A.N. Frumkin
The Lippman equation
(J.Electroanal.Chem. 18 (1968) 328-329) |
A. Frumkin, O. Petrii, A. Kossaya, V. Entina and V. Topolev
Electric double layer on platinum-group metals and the esin-markov effect
(J.Electroanal.Chem. 16 (1968) 175-191) |
B.I. Podlovchenko, O.A.Petrii, A.N.Frumkin and Hira Lal
The behaviour of a platinized-platinum electrode in solutions of alcohols containing more than one carbon atom, aldehydes and formic acid
(J.Electroanal.Chem. 11 (1966) 12-25) |
A.Frumkin, O.Petry and R.Marvet
The dependence of the double-layer charge on the platinum hydrogen electrode surface upon the potential
(J.Electroanal.Chem. 12 (1966) 504-515) |
A.N.Frumkin, N.A.Balashova, V.E.Kazarinov
Some Aspects of the Thermodynamics of the Platinum Hydrogen Electrode
(J.Electrochem.Soc. 113 (1966) 1011-1025) |
A. Frumkin, N. Polianovskaya, N. Grigoryev and I. Bagotskaya
Electrocapillary phenomena on gallium
(Electrochimica Acta 10 (1965) 793-802) |
O.A. Petrii, B.I. Podlovchenko, A.N. Frumkin and Hira Lal
The behaviour of platinized-platinum and platinum-ruthenium electrodes in methanol solutions
(J.Electroanal.Chem. 10 (1965) 253-269) |
Points of zero charge in equations of electrochemical kinetics
(J.Electroanal.Chem. 9 (1965) 173-183) |
Influence of adsorption of neutral molecules and organic cations on the kinetics of electrode processes
(Electrochimica Acta 9 (1964) 465-476) |
A note on the paper «The description of adsorption at electrodes» by R.Parsons
(J. Electroanalyt. Chem. 7 (1964) 152-155) |
A.N. Frumkin, O.A. Petrii and N.V. Nikolaeva-Fedorovich
On the determination of the value of the charge of the reacting particle and of the constant a from the dependence of the rate of electro-reduction on the potential and concentration of the solution
(Electrochimica Acta 8 (1963) 177-192) |
A.N.Frumkin, B.B.Damaskin
The so-called tensammetric waves
(J. Electroanalyt. Chem. 3 (1962) 36-44) |
Adsorption des Cations a des Potentiels Anodiques
(Electrochimica Acta 5 (1961) 265-290) |
Note on B.Kamienski’s Paper «The Nature of the Electric Potential at the Free Surface of Aqueous Solutions»
(Electrochimica Acta 2 (1960) 351-354) |
A.Frumkin, L.Nekrasov, B.Levich, Ju.Ivanov
Die Anwendung der Rotierenden Scheibenelectrode mit einem Ringe zur Untersuchung von Zwischenprodukten Electrochemischer Reaktionen
(J. Electroanalyt. Chem. 1 (1959) 84-90) |
A.N.Frumkin and L.N.Nekrasov
О кольцевом дисковом электроде (in Russian)
(Doklady AN SSSR 126 (1959) No 1, 115-118) |
I.A.Bagotskaya and A.N.Frumkin
Влияние поверхностно-активных соединений на проникновение водорода в железо и механизм водородного перенапряжения (in Russian)
(Doklady AN SSSR 92 (1953) No 5, 979-982) |
T.A.Kryukova, A.N. Frumkin
Торможение тангенциальных движений поверхности ртутной капли растворами н-бутилового спирта (in Russian)
(J. Phys. Chem. (U.S.S.R.) 23 (1949) 819-827) |
A. Frumkin and J. Bagotskaja
The potentials of falling drops
(Presented at the Twenty-first National Colloid Symposium, which was held under the auspices of the Division of Colloid Chemistry of the American Chemical Society at Palo Alto, California, June 18-20, 1947) |
I.A.Bagotskaya and A.N.Frumkin
Скорость падения капель ртути в вязкой среде (in Russian)
(Doklady AN SSSR 55 (1947) No 2, 135-140) |
Frumkin A., Levich V.
Movement of solid and liquid metal particles in aqueous electrolytes. IV. Maxima on the current-voltage curves of a dropping electrode (in Russian)
(J. Phys. Chem. (U.S.S.R.) 21 (1947) 1335-1349) |
Frumkin A., Levich V.
About the letter of Ya. Bikerman (in Russian)
(J. Phys. Chem. (U.S.S.R.) 21 (1947) 399) |
Frumkin A. and Levich B.
The Motion of Solid and Liquid Metallic Bodies in Solutions of Electrolytes. II
(Acta Physicochim. URSS 21 (1946) 193-212) |
Frumkin A. and Levich B.
The Motion of Solid and Liquid Metallic Bodies in Solutions of Electrolytes. I
(Acta Physicochim. URSS 20 (1945) 769-808) |
Frumkin A., Levich V.
The movement of solid and liquid metal particles in electrolyte solutions. I. The movement in electric field (in Russian)
(J. Phys. Chem. (U.S.S.R.) 19 (1945) 573-600) |
Frumkin A.
A Year in an American University
(Science 95 (1942) 222-223) |
А. Фрумкин
Об явлениях смачивания и прилипания пузырьков. I (in Russian)
(Журнал физической химии 12 (1938) 337-345) |
А. Фрумкин, А.Городецкая
Об явлениях смачивания и прилипания пузырьков. II. Механизм прилипания пузырьков к поверхности ртути (in Russian)
(Журнал физической химии 12 (1938) 511-520) |
Proskurnin M. and Frumkin A.
A New Determination of the Capacity of the Electrical Double Layer
(Trans. Faraday Soc. 31 (1935) 110-115) |
Frumkin A. and Bruns B.
On the Maxima of Polarization Curves of a Mercury Cathode
(Acta Physicochim. URSS l (1934) 232-246) |
Frumkin A.
Hydrogen Overpotential and the Double Layer Structure
(Z. Phys. Chem. 164 (1933) 121-133) |
Frumkin A.
A review of the Freundlich book
(Angewandte Chemie 46 (1933) 116) |
A.Frumkin, A.Gorodetzkaja, B.Kabanow und N.Nekrassow
Kapillarelektrische Erscheinungen und Benetzung von Metallen durch Elektrolytlosungen. I.
(Phys. Ztschr. Sowjetunion 1 (1932) 255-284) |
Frumkin A.
Comments to the Theory of Hydrogen Overpotential
(Z. Phys. Chem. 160 (1932) 116-118) |
A. Frumkin and F.J. Cirves
Electrocapillary properties of amalgams
(J.Phys.Chem. 34 (1930) No 1, 74-85) |
A.Frumkin, J.W.Williams
The Relation between the Electric Moment and the Potential Difference at an Interface
(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 15 (1929) No.5, 400-405) |
Frumkin A. and Gorodetzkaja A.
Electrocapillarity Phenomena on Amalgams. I. Thallium Amalgam
(Z. Phys. Chem. 136 (1928) 451-472) |
Die Elektrokapillarkurve
(Ergebnisse der exakten Naturwissenschaften 7 (1928) 235-275) |
Nathalie Bach-Nikolajewa, A.Frumkin
Ueber die Abhangigkeit der Stabilitat von Kohlensuspensionen von der Gasbeladung und der Zusammensetzung der Losung
(Kolloid Z. 46 (1928) 89-90) |
A.Frumkin, A.Donde
Uber hydrolytische Adsorption an Platinmohr und Kohle
(Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft 60 (1927) 1816-1820) |
Frumkin A. and Obrutschewa A.
Adsorption of Electrolytes on Platinum Black
(Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 158 (1926) 84-86) |
Frumkin A.
The Influence of the Electric Field on the Adsorption of Neutral Molecules
(Z. Phys. 35 (1926) 792-802) |
Frumkin A.
Electrocapillary Curve of Higher Aliphatic Acids and the State Equation of the Surface Layer
(Z. Phys. Chem. 116 (1925) 466-484) |
Frumkin A.
Surface tension at the gas-liquid interface. Part III. Electrical properties of monomolecular layers formed by insoluble substances.
(Z. Phys. Chem. 116 (1925) 485-497) |
Frumkin A.
On a Simple Method of Testing the Gibbs Concepts
(Z. Phys. Chem. 116 (1925) 498-500) |
Frumkin A.
On the Theory of Adsorption and Distribution
(Z. Phys. Chem. 116 (1925) 501-504) |
A.Frumkin, R.Kulvarskaja
Uber die Verteilung des Silbernitrats zwischen Wasser und Anilin. Ein Beitrag zur Solvattheorie.
(Zeitschrift fur Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 138 (1924) 278-280) |
Frumkin A.
On the Theory of Electrocapillarity I
(Z. Phys. Chem. 103 (1923) 43-54) |
V.Kohlschutter, A.Frumkin
Uber Zersetzung von Kohlenwasserstoffen durch Kanalstrahlen
(Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft 54 (1921) 587-594) |
V.Kohlschutter, A.Frumkin
Uber die Bildung von rotem Phosphor durch Oxydation von Phosphordampf
(Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft 47 (1914) 1088-1100) |