Evgeny V. Antipov
Professor, PhD, DSc
Official address:
Department of Electrochemistry Faculty of Chemistry M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University Leninskie Gory,1-str.3, GSP-2 119992 Moscow RUSSIAN FEDERATION Phone +7(495)939-3375 |
1981 | Diploma of M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University (equivalent of MSc) Diploma thesis: «Investigation of Sc and Y-based binary oxides» |
1986 | M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University Candidate of Science (PhD) Thesis: «Double and ternary barium oxides with Rare Earth elements and aluminum» |
1998 | M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University Doctor of Science Thesis: «Search for new superconducting copper-based oxides» |
1981-1996 | Junior Scientific Researcher, Senior Scientific Researcher, Leading Scientific Researcher, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Chemistry Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University |
1996-present | Head of the Inorganic Crystal Chemistry Laboratory, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Chemistry Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University |
1998-present | Professor of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Chemistry Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University |
2006-present | Head of the Laboratory of Basic Research in Aluminum Production |
2008-present | Head of the Department of Electrochemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University |
- 1994 — Lomonosov Award of the Moscow State University
- 1994 — Award of the World Congress on Superconductivity (Orlando, USA);
- 2004 — Russian State Award for Scientific Achievements;
- 2006 — Alexander Karpinskii Award of the Alfred Toepfer Foundation.
Main fields of research
- Inorganic materials for electrochemical energy sources (Li-batteries and fuel cells)
- Inert anode materials for aluminum production
- Inorganic magnetic and superconducting materials
Current grants
- 2010 — 2012 «New electrode materials for Li-batteries» (RFBR);
- 2010 «Structural and surface characteristics of electrode materials for Li-batteries», Research and Development Institute «Electrougli»;
- 2004 — 2010 «Inert anode for aluminum production», ZAO «Russian Engineering Company-RUSAL».
Professional Activities and Service
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Journals: «Chemistry of Materials», «Solid State Sciences», «Materials Research Bulletin», «Journal of Solid State Chemistry», «Current Applied Physics», «Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie»; Vestnik MSU (section Chemistry), «Russian Journal of Electrochemistry»;
- Member of the International Advisory Board of European Solid State Chemistry Conferences;
- Regional Co-Chair of the International Center for Diffraction Data (ICDD);
- Deputy Director of the Scientific-Educational Centre for Nanotechnology of MSU;
- Member of Bureau of Crystal Chemistry Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences;
- Member of the National Committee of the Russian Crystallographic Association;
- Chair (2007) and vice-Chair (2005) of the Gordon Research Conferences on Solid State Chemistry;
- Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Max Planck Institute of the Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden (2000 — 2005);
- Vice-Chair and member of the Board of Directors of the International Centre of Diffraction Data (ICDD, 2002 — 2010);
- Member of the Committees of the International Conferences: IUCr congress, M2S-HTSC, LT, INOMAT, EUCAS, Solid State Ionics, RUSNANOFORUM.
Lecture Courses:
- Fundamentals of Inorganic Synthesis and Structure of Inorganic Materials;
- X-ray powder diffraction.
Graduated 23 PhD students
- Dr. Andrei V. Mironov «Fine crystal structure of some high temperature superconducting phases and similar compounds, 2007 (Scientific researcher, MSU);
- Dr. Rodion V.Panin, «Synthesis and crystal structure of complex oxides of alkaline and platinum metals», 2007 (Ass. Professor, MSU);
- Dr. Vitalii A. Govorov , «Synthesis, structure and properties of the novel complex tin oxides», 2007;
- Dr. Anastasiya M. Alekseeva, «New ternary borides of magnesium, rhodium and iridium: synthesis, structure and chemical bonding», 2008 (Ass. Professor, MSU);
- Alexander A. Tsirlin, «Low-dimensional magnetic systems in the vanadium (IV) compounds», 2009 (CPFS, Max Planck Institute, Dresden, Germany);
- Dr. Pavel S. Chizhov «Synthesis, structure and chemical bonding of complex phosphides of rare-earth metals», 2009;
- Dr. Oleg A. Drozhzhin, «New mixed cobalt-based perovskites», 2009 (Scientific researcher, MSU);
- Dr. Anna S. Kaluzhnaya, «Synthesis and structure of Mn-based oxides with brownmillerite-like structure», 2010 (Ass. Professor, MSU);
- Dr. V. Chernaya «Synthesis, structure and magnetic properties of complex oxides and oxiphosphates of vanadium (II, IV)», 2010.
Invited Lectures, talks:
- «New electrode materials for Li batteries», Scientific cooloquim «Solid State Chemistry at MPI CPfS», Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, 04-07 May 2012, Drezden, Germany
- «New cathode materials for Li-ion batteries», Russian-German Symposium on Advanced Nanomaterials, 07 June 2012, Lomonosov MSU, Moscow
- «STRUCTURAL TRANSFORMATION OF Li2CoPO4F UPON Li-DEINTERCALATION»,International Conference on Solid State ionics. — Warsaw, Poland: Warsaw University of Technology. — 2011.
- «Fluorophosphates of transition metals — perspective high-voltage cathode materials for Li» 242nd ACS National Meeting. -Denver, USA: ACS. -2011
- «Фторфосфаты переходных металлов — перспективные электродные материалы для литиевых аккумуляторов» // Материалы VI Национальной кристаллохимической конференции. — г. Черноголовка, РФ: Институт проблем химической физики РАН. -2011.
- «Фторфосфаты переходных металлов — перспективные электродные материалы для литиевых аккумуляторов»// Материалы симпозиума «ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКАЯ, СИНТЕТИЧЕСКАЯ, БИОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ И ПРИКЛАДНАЯ ХИМИЯ ЭЛЕМЕНТОРГАНИЧЕСКИХ СОЕДИНЕНИЙ». -С.Петербург: Институт химии силикатов РАН. -2011
- «Functional nanomaterials», 3-rd International Symposium Bulk Nanostructured Materials Functional nanomaterials: -BNM -Ufa, Russia: Institute of Physics of Advanced Materials, Ufa State Aviation Technical University. -2011
- «New perovskites with crystallographic shear plane structures», Materials of XVII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CRYSTAL CHEMISTRY, X-RAY DIFFRACTION AND SPECTROSCOPIC STUDIES OF MINERALS. — St-Peterburg, Russia: St. Petersburg State University.-2011.
- «Fluorine-based transition metal compounds — challenging materials for energy storage applications», «FMEC-2010», 12 April 2010, Bordeaux, France;
- «Towards new perovskite materials», 23 March 2010, Rutgers University, USA;
- «X-ray diffraction in materials science. Materials for Li-ion batteries», 29 June 2010, 2-nd Conference/School for young scientists, Chernogolovka, Russia;
- «New Materials for Batteries and Fuel Cells», 5 May 2010, Joint Seminar of Lomonosov MSU — Ulm University, Ulm, Germany.
- «Crystal Chemistry Design for Discovery of New Superconductors», 24 December, Kyoto University, Japan;
- «New Pb-based perovskite materials», 16 December 2009, Kyoto University, Japan;
- «New classes of inorganic perovskites», 2 December 2009, V-th National Conference on Crystal Chemistry, Kazan;
- «New directions of structural chemistry of mixed oxides», 17 November 2009, РСНЭ-НБИК, Moscow
- «Towards new Pb-based perovskites», 6 November, «The Spectrum of Solid State Chemistry: from Basic Research to Applications», Stuttgart, Germany
- «X-ray powder diffraction for analysis of nanomaterials», 29 May 2009, «Nanomaterials analysis: metrology and standartization», ROSNANO, Chernogolovka
- «Structure Design of Perovskite Materials», 22 April 2009, Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany;
- «Towards New Functional Materials», 12 March 2009, NIMS-MSU workshop, Tsukuba, Japan;
- «New Inorganic Perovskite Materials «, 5 February, AXAA-2008, Melbourne, Australia;
- «New Aniondeficient Perovskites of Transition Metals», 19 March 2008, Solid State Chemistry Past and Future, Birmingham, United Kingdom;
- «Structure Design of Inorganic Materials», 29 June 2008; 1-st Conference/School for young scientists, Chernogolovka, Russia;
- «Recent Achievements at the Inorganic Crystal Chemistry Laboratory at MSU», 24 April 2008, Bilateral MSU-RUCA meeting, Antwerp, Belgium;
- «New Perovskites and Tunnel Structures of Transition Metals», 29 July 2008, 16 SCTE, Dresden, Germany;
- «Structure Design of New Aniondeficient Perovskites: Perspective Materials for SOFC», 3 December 2008, 1-st NANO-FORUM, Moscow;
- About 270 original papers in refereed journals;
- Citation index is about 4000;
- h-index = 28;
- List of Publications