- Leonid V. Pugolovkin, Eduard E. Levin, Olga V. Cherstiouk, Nina A. Rudina, Galina A. Tsirlina «Fabrication and Operation under the Same Conditions: Oxygen Reduction on Electrodeposited Manganese Oxide» ECS Trans 85 (2018) 137.
- V. V. Zefirov, I. V. Elmanovich, E. E. Levin, S. S. Abramchuk, E. P. Kharitonova, A. A. Khokhlov, M. S. Kondratenko, M. O. Gallyamov «Synthesis of manganese oxide electrocatalysts in supercritical carbon dioxide» J. Mater. Sci. 53 (2018) 9449.
- Tatiana Kiseleva, Eduard Levin, Alla Novakova, Alexander Ilyushin, Tatiana Grigoryeva, Vladimir Šepelák «The formation of Fe–Ga–In nanocomposite particles using mechanochemical interaction of Fe with the Ga–In eutectic» J. Mater. Sci. 53 (2018) 13477.
- S. I. Nefedkin, M. A. Klimova, E. A. Kolomeitseva, M. K. Klochnev, E. E. Levin, O. A. Petrii «Pt- and Ir-based disperse catalysts synthesized in a magnetron for water electrolyzers with a solid polymer electrolyte» Russ. J. Electrochem. 53 (2017) 284-291.
- Eduard E. Levin, Sergey Yu. Vassiliev, Victoria A. Nikitina » Solvent effect on the kinetics of lithium ion intercalation into LiCoO2» Electrochim. Acta 228 (2017) 114-124.
- Sergey Yu. Vassiliev, Eduard E. Levin, Victoria A. Nikitina «Kinetic analysis of lithium intercalating systems: cyclic voltammetry» Electrochim. Acta 190 (2016) 1087-1099.
- Anna S. Ryabova, Filipp S. Napolskiy, Tiphaine Poux, Sergey Ya. Istomin, Antoine Bonnefont, Denis M. Antipin, Alexander Ye. Baranchikov, Eduard E. Levin, Artem M. Abakumov, Gwénaëlle Kéranguéven, Evgeny V. Antipov, Galina A. Tsirlina, Elena R. Savinova «Rationalizing the Influence of the Mn(IV)/Mn(III) Red-Ox Transition on the Electrocatalytic Activity of Manganese Oxides in the Oxygen Reduction Reaction» Electrochim. Acta 187 (2016) 161-172.
- A. Lukyanov, A. Churakova, A. Filatov, E. Levin, R. Valiev, D. Gunderov, E. Antipov “Microstructure refinement in Cu-Fe alloy using high pressure torsion” IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 63 (2014) 012102.
- Olga D. Parashchuk, Souren Grigorian, Eduard E. Levin, Vladimir V. Bruevich, Kirill Bukunov, Ilya V. Golovnin, Thomas Dittrich, Kirill A. Dembo, Vladimir V. Volkov, Dmitry Yu. Parashchuk “Acceptor-Enhanced local Order in Conjugated Polymer Films” J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 4 (2013) 1298-1303.
- Veronika K. Laurinavichute, Sergey Yu. Vassiliev, Alexander Yu. Filatov, Eduard E. Levin, Galina A. Tsirlina “Electrochemistry of MoO3-K2MoO4 melts: a chance to control the nature of reduced molybdenum oxides” J Solid State Electrochem. 16 (2012) 3515-3528.
- Н.В. Порохов, Э.Е. Левин, М.Л. Чухаркин, Д.Н. Раков, А.Е. Воробьёва, А.В. Варлашкин, О.В, Снигирёв «Высокотемпературные сверхпроводящие плёнки на гибких подложках для трансформатора магнитного потока» Радиотехника и радиоэлектроника, 57 (2012) 1-9.
- E.K. Lavrentyeva, S.Yu. Vassiliev, .E.E. Levin, A.A. Tsirlin, S.N. Polyakov, M. Leoni, K.S. Napolskii, M.O. Gallyamov, O.A. Petrii, G.A. Tsirlina «Smectite Clays as a Quasi-Template for Platinum Electrodeposition» Electrochim. Acta 61 (2012) 94-106.
- Eduard Levin, Igor Treninkov, Sergei Polyakov «Moving Crystal Assembly for Handling Small Bulk Samples» J Appl Cryst 44 (2011) 1291-1293.
- E.E. Said-Galiyev, A. Yu. Nikolaev, E.E. Levin, E.K. Lavrentyeva, M.O. Gallyamov, S.N. Polyakov, G.A. Tsirlina, A.R. Khokhlov “Structural and Electrocatalytic Features of Pt/C Catalysts Fabricated in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide” J Solid State Electrochem., 15 (2011) 623-633.
- T. Kiseleva, A. Novakova, M. Zimina, S. Polyakov, E. Levin, T. Grigoryieva “Mechanochemically induced formation of amorphous phase at oxide nanocomposite interfaces” J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 217 (2010) 012106.
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- E. Levin, P. Donskoy, S. Lushnikov, V, Verbetsky, T. Safonova, O. Petrii “Hydrogen Sorption and Electrochemical Properties of Intermetallic Compounds La2Ni7 and La2Ni6Co” in “Hydrogen Materials Science and Chemistry of Carbon Nanomaterials”, T. N. Veziroglu et al. (eds), 2004, 503-510.
E.V. Antipov, G.A. Tsirlina, S.Y. Istomin, O.A. Drozhzhin, E.E. Levin «Complex Cobalt Oxide Catalysts For Oxygen Reduction Electrodes in Alkaline Fuel Cells», US Patent US 7,803,348 B1, Sep.28, 2010.
П. Чижов, Э. Левин, А. Митяев, А. Тимофеев «Приборы и методы рентгеновской и электронной дифракции», МФТИ (ГУ) ФГБОУ ВПО, Москва, 2011, С. 152, ISBN 978-5-8493-0222-5.