Some papers of XX century


pdf Leonid Rabinovich, Ovadia Lev, Galina A. Tsirlina
Electrochemical characterisation of Pd modified ceramic | carbon electrodes: partially flooded versus wetted channel hydrophobic gas electrodes
(Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (1999) 466, 45–59)
pdf O.A.Petrii, G.A.Tsirlina, S.N.Pron’kin, F.M.Spiridonov and M.L.Khrushcheva
Platinized Platinum: Dependence of the Particle Size and the Texture on the Preparation Conditions
(Russian Journal of Electrochemistry 35 (1999) 8-18)
Академик А.М.Дыхне, С.Ю.Васильев, О.А.Петрий, А.Г.Рудавец, Г.А.Цирлина
Молекулярный кластер как туннельный диод
(Доклады РАН, сер. физич. 1999, т.368, с.467-469, в сокращенном виде)
pdf Г.А.Цирлина, Ю.Е.Рогинская, Г.Г.Постовалова, С.Ю.Васильев
Оксидные наноструктуры SnO2-TiO2, SnO2-ZrO2, SnO2-SbOx как зарядаккумулирующие материалы
(Электрохимия 35 (1999) 1380-1387)
pdf T.Ya. Safonova, O.A. Petrii
Effect of inorganic cations on the electroreduction of nitrate anions on Pt|Pt electrodes in sulfuric acid solutions
(Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (1998) 448, 211–216)
pdf G.A. Tsirlina, Yu.I. Kharkats, R.R. Nazmutdinov, O.A. Petrii
Asymmetry of inner-sphere reorganization energy for heterogeneous electron transfer
(Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (1998) 450, 63-68)
pdf Renat R. Nazmutdinov, Galina A. Tsirlina, Yurij I. Kharkats, Oleg A. Petrii and Michael Probst
Activation Energy of Electron Transfer between a Metal Electrode and Reagents of Nonspherical Form and Complicated Charge Distribution. Cr(EDTA) Complexes
(J. Phys. Chem. B (1998) 102, 677-686)
pdf Г.А.Цирлина, Ю.Е.Рогинская, Г.Г.Постовалова
Электрохимическое поведение SnO2-TiO2 оксидных наноструктур на стеклоуглеродных подложках
(Электрохимия 34 (1998) 569-574)
pdf G. A. Tsirlina, O. V. Safonova and O. A. Petrii
Thermodynamical analysis of non-stoichiometric thallium oxides and reactivity prediction for electrosynthesis
(Electrochimica Acta (1997) 42, No. 19, 2943-2946)
pdf G.A. Tsirlina, O.A.Petrii and S.Yu.Vassiliev
Electrochemical fabrication and study of polymer-modified STM tips
(Electrochimica Acta (1996) 41, No. 11/12, 1887-1889)
pdf G.A. Tsirlina, O.A. Petrii, S.Yu. Vassiliev
Multiphase electrocrystallization in the thallium oxide system: simultaneous nucleation on sites of different nature
(Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (1996) 414, 41-51)
pdf G.A. Tsirlina, O.A. Petrii
Electrosynthesis and electrochemical behaviour of unusual solid thallium-based phases: thallium peroxide, thallium(I) — thallium(III) mixed oxide, thallium cuprate, and thallium oxyfluoride
(Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (1996) 401, 33-43)
pdf O.A. Petrii
Surface Electrochemistry of oxides: thermodynamic and model approaches
(Electrochimica Acta (1996) 41, No 14, 2307-2312)
pdf O.A. Petrii and G.A. Tsirlina
Electrocatalytic activity prediction for hydrogen electrode reaction: intuition, art, science
(Electrochimica Acta (1994) 39, No 11/12, 1739-1747)
pdf M.L.Khrushcheva, G.A.Tsirlina, O.A.Petrii
Comparison of Electrocatalytic Activity of Smooth and Platinized Platinum Electrodes: the Size-Effect Approach
Russian Journal of Electrochemistry (1994) 30, No. 6, 681-685
Translated from Elektrokhimiya (1994) 30, No. 6, 755-759)
pdf O.A.Petrii, T.Ya.Safonova
Fundamental aspects of the electrochemical behaviour of nitrogen compounds on platinum metals
(The 2nd International Symposium «Electrochemistry in practice and theory», Lodz, 26-27 May 1994, p.18-23)
pdf A. Vitins, O. A. Petrii, B. B. Damaskin, Yu. A. Ermakov, A. J. Gzhejdzyak, E. L. Kolomnikova, S. A. Sukhishvili, and A. A. Yaroslavov
Model Description of Adsorption Properties of Iridium Dioxide in Aqueous Solutions
(Elektrokhimiya (1992) 28, No 3, 404-413)
pdf S. Trasatti and O.A.Petrii
Real surface area measurements in electrochemistry
(J. Electroanal. Chem. (1992) 321, 353-376)
pdf V.E. Kazarinov, A.M. Foontikov and G.A. Tsirlina
Plasma electroreflection on platinum and true charge-transfer coefficients
(J. Electroanal. Chem. (1990) 282, 253-266)
pdf A.M.Brodsky, L.I.Daikhin, A.M.Foontikov, V.E.Kazarinov, G.A.Tsirlina, M.I.Urbakh
Investigation of the long-range inhomogeneity of adsorbtion layers by the electroscattering of light: adsobtion of hydrogen and anions on a platinum electrode
(Surface Science (1990) 226, 137-146)
pdf Г.А.Цирлина, О.А.Петрий, Н.С.Копылова
Электрокатализ аморфными и ионно-имплантированными материалами: проблемы и перспективы
(Электрохимия 26 (1990) 1059-1086)
pdf N.W. Smirnova, O.A. Petrii, A. Grzejdziak
Effect of ad-atoms on the electro-oxidation of ethylene glycol and oxalic acid on platinized platinum
(J. Electroanal. Chem. (1988) 251, 73-87)
pdf G.A. Tsirlina and O.A. Petrii
Role of carbon deficiency and anodic activation in the electrochemistry of carbide materials
(Electrochimica Acta (1987) 32, No 4, 637-647)
pdf G.A. Tsirlina and O.A. Petrii
Hydrogen evolution on smooth stoichiometric tungsten and chromium carbides
(Electrochimica Acta (1987) 32, No 4, 649-657)
pdf O.A. Petrii and L.G. Khomchenko
Electrochemical properties of platinum and palladium electrodes in acetonitrile solution
(J. Electroanal. Chem. (1980) 106, 277-286)
pdf L. Muller, G.N. Mansurov and O.A. Petrii
The measurement of strong adsorption on platinum film electrodes by surface conductance
(J. Electroanal. Chem.(1979) 96, 159-164)
pdf А.В.Лосев, О.А.Петрий
Суспензионный и псевдоожиженный электроды
(Итоги науки и техникиi>(1979) 14, 120-167)
pdf О.А.Петрий, Р.В.Марвет, Ж.Н.Малышева
Кривые заряжения платинового электрода в растворах фосфорной кислоты при различных температурах (in Russian)
(Электрохимия 3 (1967) 962-965)
pdf О.А.Петрий, Р.В.Марвет, Ж.Н.Малышева
Адсорбция метана на платиновом электроде в растворах фосфорной кислоты (in Russian)
(Электрохимия 3 (1967) 1141-1143)