- Frumkin A.N. Electrocapillary phenomena and electrode potentials [Thesis]. Odessa. 1919. 280 p., in Russian.
- Frumkin A. Couche double. Electrocapillarité. Surtension. P.: Herman et Cie. 1936. 37 p. (Actual. sci. et industr.; N 373). [Russian translation (partial): Frumkin A.N. Selected works: Electrode processes / Ed. B.P. Nikolskii . Moscow: Nauka, 1987. P. 235–236].
- Frumkin A.N. Adsorption and oxidation processes: lecture presented at the 4th Bach’s memorial session (March 17, 1948 г.). Moscow: Academy of Sciences of the USSR Publ., 22 p., in Russian.
- Frumkin A.N., Bagotsky V.S., Iofa Z.A., Kabanov B.N. Kinetics of the electrode processes . Moscow.: Moscow University Publ., 1952. 319 p. [(partial) Frumkin A.N. Selected works: Electrode processes / Ed. B.P. Nikolskii. Moscow: Nauka. 1987. P. 33–216], in Russian. [Translations: Chinese: Beijing, 1957, 339 p. ; English: Foreign Technol.Div., Nr. FTD-HT-67-153, Wrigt-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, 1967.]
- Frumkin A.N. Potentials of zero charge. Moscow: Nauka. 1979. 260 p.; Мoscow: Nauka. 1982. 260 p., in Russian.
- Frumkin A.N. Kinetics of the electrode processes and the phenomena at metal-solution interface // Proceedings of the meeting on electrochemistry (Moscow, December, 1950). Moscow: Academy of Sciences of the USSR Publ., 1953. P. 21–46, in Russian.
- Frumkin A.N. Hydrogen overvoltage and adsorption phenomena. Pt I. Mercury // Advances in electrochemistry and electrochemical engineering / Ed. P. Delahay. N.Y.; : Interscience, 1961. Vol. 1. P. 65–121. [Russian Translation: Frumkin A.N. Selected works: Hydrogen overvoltage / Ed. B.P. Nikolskii. Moscow: Nauka, 1988. P. 87–126].
- Frumkin A. N. Hydrogen overvoltage and adsorption phenomena. Pt II // Advances in electrochemistry and electrochemical engineering / Ed. P. Delahay, N. Y.; L.: Inter Publ., 1963. Vol. 3. P. 287–391. [Russian Translation: Frumkin A.N. Selected works: Hydrogen overvoltage / Ed. B.P. Nikolskii. Moscow: Nauka, 1988. P. 126–187].
- Frumkin A.N., Damaskin В.В. Adsorption of organic compounds at electrodes // Modern aspects of electrochemistry / Ed. J. O’M. Bockris, B.E. Conway. L.: Butterworth, Vol. 3. P. 149–223. [Russian translation: Frumkin A.N., Damaskin B.B. Adsorption of organic compounds at electrodes // In: Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry. Moscow: Mir, 1967. P. 170–258.]
- Frumkin A.N. Zero charge potentials of electrodes // Sven. kem. tidskr. 1965. Vol. 77, N 6/7. P. 300–322.
- Frumkin A.N. Couche double et adsorption des substances organiques // J. chim. phys. Vol. 63. N 6. P. 785–803.
- Petrii O.A., Podlovchenko B.I., Frumkin A.N. Adsorption and electrooxidation of simple organic compounds at the electrodes of the platinum group metals // In: Modern problems of physical chemistry. V.2. The problems of kinetics of chemical reactions. Moscow: Moscow University Publ., 1968. P. 196–229 [Frumkin A.N. Selected works: Electrode processes / Ed. B.P. Nikolskii. Moscow, Nauka, 1987. P. 270–291], in Russian.
- Frumkin A.N., Petrii O.A., Damaskin B.B. The notion of electrode charge and Lippman equation // In: Double layer and adsorption on solid electrodes: Proceedings of the 2nd symposium. Tartu (June 18-21, 1970): Tartu University Publ, 1970. P. 5–51, in Russian.
- Damaskin В.В., Frumkin A.N. Adsorption of molecules on electrodes // Reaction of molecules at electrodes / Ed. N.S. Hush. L.: Willey, 1971. P. 1–44.
- Frumkin A.N. Modern state of the potentials of zero charge problem // In: Double layer and adsorption on solid electrodes: Proceedings of the 3rd symposium. Tartu (June 11–13, 1972): Tartu University Publ., 1972. P. 5–29, in Russian.
- Frumkin A.N. Certain problems of electrochemistry // XI Mendeleev congress on general and applied chemistry: plenary lecture (Alma-Ata, September 22-27, 1975). Moscow: Nauka, 1977. P. 185–194. [Frumkin A.N. Selected works: Electrode processes / Ed. B. P. Nikolskii. Moscow: Nauka, 1987. P. 24–30], in Russian.
- Frumkin A.N., Fedorovich N.V., Stenina E.V. Polarographic maxima of the third kind// The output of science and technology: Electrochemistry. Moscow: VINITI Publ., 1978. V. 13. P. 5–46, in Russian.
- Frumkin A.N., Petrii О.A., Damaskin B.B. Potentials of zero charge // Comprehensive treatise of electrochemistry. N.Y.; L.: Plenum press., Vol. 1. The double layer / Ed. J. O’M. Bockris et al. P. 221–289.
- Frumkin A.N., Petrii О.A., Damaskin B.B. Potentials of zero charge // In: Double layer and electrode kinetics / Ed. V.E. Kazarinov. Moscow: Nauka, 1981. P. 7–81.
- Frumkin A. N., Andreev V. N., Boguslavskii L. I., Double Layers and Electrode Kinetics, / Ed. V.E. Kazarinov. Moscow: Nauka, 1981, P. 376.