RADEN Data Bank

The data bank on RADiative and ENergy parameters for diatomic molecules

New RADEN Online (Reference-Information-System)

The RADEN data bank produced at the Department of Chemistry of Moscow State University is designed as well to accumulate published information on radiative parameters of diatomic molecules, as to analyse it and recommend the more reliable values.
The bank consists of two parts: Reference-Information-System (RIS) and Recommended-Data-System (RDS) operating under the control of an interactive program.

Raden diagramm

Reference-Information-System serves for compiling of experimental researches and ab initio calculations of following parameters: Reference-Information-System is made up of two databases: information and factual.
INFORMATION DATABASE includes the following data on researches of molecular electronic states and electronic transitions: Now these data are compiled for about 1700 electronic states and about 1900 electronic transitions of approximately 350 diatomic molecules. The database bibliography covers above 3500 publications from 1960 up to the present.
FACTUAL DATABASE lists the numeric results from original publications. Now it is evolved for several hundreds of molecular systems and transitions.

Recommended-Data-System serves to accumulate and calculate recommended values of radiative and energy parameters of diatomic molecules.
The system accumulates: The system calculates: The accumulated information is kept in the Factual Recommended Database. The calculations are performed by the Application Program Package connected with this database.
FACTUAL RECOMMENDED DATABASE contains now the ab initio and experimental electronic transition moments for more than 250 band systems which belong to more than 100 diatomic molecules. These moments were recommended by our experts as the most reliable. The recommendations were carried out as a result of the joint analysis for the data on all radiative characteristics of corresponding molecules published up to 1999. For all of these systems there are ab initio potentials and/or spectroscopic constants, so user can calculate above-listed radiative characteristics for electronic-vibrational transitions.
Spectroscopic constants (Dunham coefficients) were included in the factual recommended database from the handbooks K.P.Huber and G.Herzberg "Molecular spectra and molecular structure. IV.Constants of diatomic molecules",1979 and "Thermodynamic properties of individual substances", Moscow, Nauka, 1978-1980,(in Russian), or from the original reports and reviews.
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Raden database: lakuz@laser.chem.msu.ru
Web interface: wasq@elch.chem.msu.ru