In Russian

Laboratory of Electrical Double Layer and Electrode Kinetics
(headed by Professor B.B.Damaskin)


Theoretical problems of electrical double layer structure on ideally polarized electrodes and reversible adsorption of ions and neutral organic molecules on electrodes are considered, and also the specific features of kinetics of multistage electrochemical processes limited by mass transfer, electron transfer and chemical reaction. Special attention is paid to computer simulation of adsorption on electrode surfaces and of electrochemical impedance spectra with regard to specific adsorption and mass transfer of reacting species. The statistical method of regression analysis of differential capacity curves is developed and successfuly applied to determination of parameters characterizing the adsorption of organic molecules on electrodes. The adsorption properties of condensed layers formed by surface- active substances on the electrode surfaces are under study, and also the effects of these layers on the kinetics of anions electroreduction. Mechanisms of anions reduction complicated by participation of donor of proton are analyzed.

In cooperation with Frumkin Institute of Electrochemistry, RAN, the studies of hydroelectrochemical impedance for turbulent solution motion near the electrode surface are carried out.

Recent publications

  1. B.B.Damaskin, V.A.Safonov, Analysis of Modern Phenomenological Approaches toward Describing the Structure and Properties of the Electrical Double Layer Dense Part on Metal-Solution Interface//Electrochim. Acta, 1997, V.42, P.737.
  2. E.V.Stenina, OA.Baturina, L.N.Sviridova, Temperature Dependence of the Rate of Persulfate Anion Electroreduction in Presence of Condensed Layer of 1-Hydroxyadamanthane // Russian J.Electrochem., 1997, V.33, N 10.
  3. V.V.Emets, B.B.Damaskin, V.E.Kazarinov, The Effects of Different Approach of Acetonitrile Dipoles to the Surface of Mercury and of the Metals of Gallium Group//Russ.J.Electrochem., 1997, V.33, N 11.
